momo making class

Momo making class

$ 350.00

Momo – it’s not just a dumpling; it’s a taste of tradition and a bite of Nepal’s culinary heritage.

Derived from the Newari word “Mome,” meaning to steam cook, momos have long been intertwined with Nepali culture. While Tibet claims their origin, ask any Nepali, and they’ll proudly assert momos as their own.

These little pockets of flavor, filled with savory ingredients and steamed to perfection, have captured hearts worldwide. Affordable, flavorful, and deeply rooted in Nepali tradition, momos are a must-try for any visitor to Nepal.


  • Reviews 0 Reviews
  • Vacation Style Holiday Type
      Class, Private
    • Activity Level Fairly Easy
    • Group Size Medium Group

    Momo – it’s more than just a dumpling; it’s a taste of tradition, a bite of history, and a journey through Nepal’s culinary heritage.

    Said to be derived from the Newari word “Mome,” meaning to steam cook, momos have long been intertwined with Nepali culture. The origins of momo in Nepal are shrouded in mystery. Some say Newari traders brought the technique from Tibet, infusing it with local flavors like water buffalo meat, dubbing it “Momocha.” Others believe Tibetan immigrants to Nepal introduced the dish. Regardless of its lineage, momo has evolved to suit Nepali tastes over time.

    Picture this: an all-purpose flour wrap lovingly filled with various savory ingredients, then steamed to perfection for about 15 minutes. Momos are like little bundles of joy, offering a symphony of flavors from cheese, veggies, to meats.

    Much like pizza to Italy, momo is to Nepal – an inseparable part of its identity. With the Nepalese diaspora spreading its fame worldwide, momos are becoming global ambassadors of Nepali cuisine, featuring in renowned food channels and blogs.

    But what makes momo so beloved? Firstly, it’s affordable, ranging from $1.5 a plate for ten pieces in local eateries to less than $10 in the restaurant. Plus, it’s a guilt-free indulgence as it contains fresh ingredients from sesame, peanuts to tomatoes, coriander, chilies, onions, garlic, lemon, and more.

    Moreover, momo isn’t just food; it’s a cultural experience. Paired with chutney or achar, its flavors are enhanced to new heights. With its rich history deeply rooted in Nepal’s culinary traditions, momo is accessible to all and is found in every nook and cranny of the country.

    Intrigued? Then why not immerse yourself in the world of momo with us at Elite Explorer? Join our momo-making classes led by a local chef amidst the natural beauty of the Kathmandu Valley’s outskirts in a farm resort.

    And the cherry on top? We will focus on crafting soupy momos (Jhol momo), a quintessential Nepali delicacy. Whether you prefer them fried, steamed with a side of achar and chutney, or with a spicy kick, there’s a momo for everyone to love.

    In this day-long class, you’ll not only master the traditional techniques but also savor every momo you make. It’s not just about cooking; it’s about creating unforgettable memories with us.

    So, which one will be your favorite? Join us, and let’s embark on a flavorful journey through Nepal, one momo at a time.

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